STUTTGART | For three days, the LEIBER Group presented itself at the CastForge casting and forging trade fair at Messe Stuttgart. International trade visitors were given access to the world of "AluBility"®.

The term, which is the communicative focus of the trade fair stand, is more than just a melodious marketing term: "AluBility"®. For LEIBER, it combines the proven lightweight material aluminium and the comprehensive expertise derived from the English term "Ability", which the company offers along the entire value chain of forging, machining and upstream and downstream development services like hardly any other company in the industry.

Exhibits provide insights
Two special exhibits were developed especially for the trade fair: One was a mock-up of a row of aeroplane seats. This was not only suitable as a chic seat where you could give your heavy legs a little break. Above all, it served as a showcase for the use of bionically optimised, material- and weight-saving LEIBER components in the real installation situation of an aerospace application.

As a further highlight, LEIBER presented a cutaway model of a pressure vessel, which is representative of the use of LEIBER aluminium components in future-oriented hydrogen applications. The focus of the exhibit was on the high-strength on-tank valve and the associated bosses. Both are forged from high-strength aluminium and machined at LEIBER.

Appeal: more planning security
At the end of the three-day trade fair, Managing Director Dr Rolf Leiber was satisfied: "The personal exchange with the visitors and the general interest of the international audience show that we still have something to offer in Germany". However, this should not obscure the fact that the industry is facing enormous challenges in the face of global crises and climate change. "We would like to see much more support from politicians here - more reliable impetus for planning security and less bureaucracy to hold us back," said Leiber. "Our direction of travel is clear: Progress through ease. We believe in this now and in the future!".


Ready for three days at the trade fair: Managing Director Dr Rolf Leiber (left), Sina Broschinski and Johannes Mohr trying out the mock-up of a row of aircraft seats - made from LEIBER aluminium components, of course.

An unmissable invitation to discover the full range of LEIBER's forging and machining expertise: "WELCOME TO THE LAND OF ALUBILITY".

Future-oriented field of application for aluminium: LEIBER demonstrated at CastForge where the material can be used, e.g. as a high-strength, forged on-tank valve or as a so-called boss.

The future through lightweight construction: LEIBER aluminium components can be found in the automotive, aviation and rail vehicle industries and many other areas of application.

The coveted "LEIBÄR", which many visitors took home as a souvenir from the LEIBER stand, was a must at CastForge. The mock-up of a row of aircraft seats also served as an attractive display for the cuddly favourite.

The model of a row of aeroplane seats specially designed for CastForge is not just a visual eye-catcher. It also reveals an integral lightweight component: the LEIBER seat divider.


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